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Planning Amendment Bill 2020 Introduced

Office of the Chief Minister

The Territory Labor Government is improving certainty and understanding around planning decisions with the Planning Amendment Bill 2020 now introduced into Parliament.

The Bill amends the Planning Act 1999 to deliver a modern planning system that aligns with best practice in Australia.

Its purpose is to increase transparency and accountability within the planning system and to deliver better development outcomes, with an eye to the needs of future generations.

Key benefits of the Bill are:

  • Increased emphasis on sustainable development in the context of social, economic and environmental needs and values for Territorians now and into the future;
  • More certainty around how and where land uses are expected to change in the future;
  • Planning processes and documents that are easier to follow and understand;
  • More local input into planning matters;
  • A framework that encourages better development outcomes, responds to local factors and supports innovative developments;
  • More information about how decisions are made;
  • More opportunities to review planning decisions; and
  • Enforcement powers that will uphold a fairer system.

The Northern Territory Government is also in the first stage of developing revised design provisions to encourage innovative approaches for apartments and mixed use developments across the Northern Territory.

The Designing Better project will ultimately inform development requirements in the Planning Scheme. This will encourage more meaningful, vibrant and liveable spaces for future residents and the broader community, celebrating local and regional differences, and factoring in climate and the Territory’s unique character.

For more information about the Bill, go to

For more information about the Designing Better Project and the Technical Discussion Paper go to

Quotes from the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Eva Lawler:

“Our Government was elected on a promise to restore integrity and confidence through reforming the Territory’s planning system – that is exactly what we are doing.

“The CLP left our system in a mess, their blatant disrespect for sound planning destroyed confidence in the NT planning system.

“Planning done well, must holistically consider the context of population growth and the long-term social, environmental and economic needs, and values that underpin the wellbeing and prosperity of our communities now and into the future.

“We have all seen examples in our community where planning could be done better, and importantly we value community input into planning — the new system puts the community at the heart of planning.”

Media Contact: Ellie Clancy 0436 646 689

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