Backing Aboriginal Business and Employment in the Territory
31 May 2022
The Territory Labor Government is improving employment, business and economic outcomes for all Territorians, while maximising opportunities for Aboriginal Territorians, with today’s launch of the Aboriginal Procurement Policy and the Aboriginal Economic Participation Framework.
Aboriginal Procurement Policy
The Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP) is a targeted approach as part of the Value for Territory Framework, to increase the opportunities for Aboriginal Business Enterprises, community controlled organisations and Aboriginal Territorians to participate in government procurement activities.
Aboriginal people comprise approximately 30% of the Territory population, and the APP is one mechanism to realise the government’s commitment to improve economic outcomes for Aboriginal Territorians as important partners in the Territory’s economic future. Better engaging Aboriginal Territorians in government procurement will expedite the growth of the Territory economy and benefit all Territorians.
Designed to increase equitable access to procurement activities, the APP will apply to Northern Territory Government contracts with an estimated value of $15,000 or greater. It will provide new opportunities for established and emerging Aboriginal businesses, in new areas of government spend such as graphic design, consultancies and training, catering, security as well as the traditional trades.
Existing Aboriginal enterprises can apply to be recognised as an Aboriginal Business Enterprise under a transitioning agreement for a period of up to 18 months, providing a step change in the advancement of Aboriginal employment and business opportunities through government contracting activities.
Following the 18 month transitional period, businesses with an Aboriginal ownership of 51 per cent or more – and who can demonstrate daily Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in their workforce - will be classified as an Aboriginal Business Enterprise (ABE). The NT Government aims to award 5 per cent of all Government contracts to ABEs in 2022-23.
The Aboriginal Procurement Policy will commence 1, July 2022. For further information visit">
Aboriginal Economic Participation Framework
The Aboriginal Economic Participation (AEP) Framework is a whole-of-government approach to maximise opportunities for participation of Aboriginal Territorians in the Territory economy through new and existing initiatives including government procurement and grants.
The AEP Framework aligns with similar schemes from other jurisdictions including the Commonwealth and will ensure opportunities for participation of Aboriginal Territorians in our economy are maximised through:
· Activation of NT Government procurement and grants
· Private sector commitments
· Development of Aboriginal business and community-controlled organisations; and
· Aboriginal workforce development.
The AEP Framework will also support non-Aboriginal Territorians and businesses to provide employment, training and education, and to develop partnerships and joint ventures, to assist building the capacity and capability of Aboriginal employees and Aboriginal business enterprises across the Northern Territory.
The Aboriginal Economic Participation Framework and Aboriginal Procurement Policy were co-designed in consultation with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal businesses, Traditional Owners, Industry and Non-Government Organisations, from across the Northern Territory.
Quotes from Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Selena Uibo
“The Territory Labor government is supporting development of a diverse Aboriginal business sector and improving employment opportunities for Aboriginal Territorians.”
“There is still significant work to be done to improve Aboriginal participation across the Territory, greater inclusion of Aboriginal Territorians is critical if we are to reach our economic potential.”
Quotes from Minister for Business, Jobs and Training, Paul Kirby
“Supporting Aboriginal employment opportunities will benefit the Territory by growing the local economy, increasing business and regional development and building the local Territory workforce.”
“It is estimated that bringing Aboriginal Territorians to the forefront of economic development in the Territory could generate between $49 million and $146 million in social benefits.”
Quotes from Jerome Cubillo, CEO NT Indigenous Business Network
“This is the first time that the Northern Territory Government has had an Aboriginal Procurement Policy, bringing us in line with the national approach to Aboriginal Procurement.”
“The NTIBN is supportive of this proactive measure that creates visibility and direct opportunities for Aboriginal Business Enterprises across all levels of the Territory supply chain. We look forward to continuing to partner with the NTG and local industry to Close the Gap.”
Quotes from Greg Ireland, CEO Chamber of Commerce NT
“The Aboriginal Procurement Policy and Aboriginal Participation Framework provides an opportunity to develop the future Territory workforce through targeted engagement focused on Aboriginal business. With the intention to deliver, increased participation, elevated skills and workplace involvement and self-belief that will helps sustain the future Territory economy.”
“The Chamber of Commerce welcomes the transparency that these systems will create, and the ability to monitor and report on the success of these outcomes is paramount to the continued closing of the gap for indigenous Territorians."
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Minister for Business, Jobs and Training
Selena Uibo