Groote Eylandt is a hive of building activity with locals chipping in to build themselves a better future.
The Territory Labor Government has built 22 homes at Angurugu, including three under its flagship $1.1 billion remote housing program.
Upgrade works on 46 homes are now complete. Further, 20 homes will be extended and refurbished at Groote Eylandt’s biggest community as part of the Room to Breathe program which aims to alleviate overcrowding and improve living conditions.
Across the island at Umbakumba, 22 homes have been fully upgraded with another two nearing completion and works on three others to follow.
Five new builds are complete and planning is underway for Room to Breathe works on 22 homes.
Most of the housing work has been completed by Aminjarrinja Aboriginal Corporation which employs eight Groote Eylandt locals, including two carpentry apprentices and six trainees.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government, Housing and Community Development, Gerry McCarthy:
“Building new homes, extending and upgrading existing homes and creating jobs and training opportunities are at the core of generational change and that’s what’s happening on Groote Eylandt.
“Local organisations are building their capacities with local workers on board and there are obvious improvements across the housing and social landscapes on the island.
“Better homes mean better employment, education, health and lifestyle outcomes and that’s why we are investing in housing in remote areas.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Arnhem, Selena Uibo:
“As local member, I am proud to be part of a government that is not only delivering new and upgraded housing for Umbakumba and Angurugu, but also ensuring these communities are taking the lead in the planning, design and building of their own homes.
“These projects are providing real jobs and training opportunities for Groote Eylandt locals, as well as putting in place vital infrastructure that will improve the lives of families living in these communities.”
Quotes attributable to Aminjarrinja Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation Business Manager, Roger Holman:
“This work has not only meant better housing here on Groote Eylandt but the job opportunities have meant that we have been able to employ locals on a full-time basis.
“Our workers have developed a range of skills and are enthusiastic about making a contribution to their own community. We are especially proud to have apprentices on the books because it offers them sustainable career opportunities.
“The NT Government’s commitment to its Local Decision Making strategy means residents are having a say in the development and direction of their communities and that’s made a big difference to everyone here.”
Media contact – Jasmin Afianos m: 0419 361 127 e: