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Home Improvement Scheme Supporting Territory Jobs

Office of the Chief Minister

Over 6258 Home Improvement Scheme Vouchers (HIS) have hit the construction sector equating to over $50 million in the value of approved works.

With a good spread of works, numerous trades, Territory jobs and local businesses are being supported.

The top three most popular improvements approved under HIS are:

  • Air conditioning upgrades;
  • Painting; and
  • Electrical upgrades.

Local businesses right across the Territory are receiving a slice of the HIS works with vouchers having been issued in every Territory region.

The HIS, which has proved to be one of the most popular scheme to date, provided homeowner and landlords with generous co-contribution grants to use in the upgrading of their residence. 


Quotes from Chief Minister, Michael Gunner:

“When you spend a dollar in the Territory, you help save a Territory job.

“Our tradies now have a massive pipeline of work. But we want that work to last, so the benefits for the rest economy can last as well.

“Right now we need to stick together and do everything possible to protect jobs.”


Quotes from the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Eva Lawler:

“The Territory Labor Government is focussed on saving jobs and supporting local businesses.

“Many trades, from painting to electrical, are being supported through the Home Improvement Scheme.

“This Government is doing everything in its power to support jobs, local businesses and make sure the Territory bounces back.”


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