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Office of the Chief Minister

Deputy Chief Minister Nicole Manison has re-stated that the Territory Labor Government will invest in a job-creating $400 million Darwin ship lift.

The project is currently in due diligence with the NAIF and the Gunner Government is also heavily lobbying the Morrison Government for $300 million to support the Territory’s $100 million allocation.

The CLP Opposition Leader Gary Higgins joined CLP Senator Sam McMahon in refusing to rally behind the Territory Government’s push to build a ship lift, putting non-existent obstacles up under the guise of seeking more information about the ship lift’s feasibility.


·        A ship lift is used to lift vessels out of the water so they can be serviced, repaired or stored, including for safety during cyclones.

·        The ship lift at East Arm will bring $260 million into the NT economy every year (according to the independent ACIL Allen report which has been provided to NAIF and will be publicly released once funding is secured).

·        It will create 100 jobs during construction phase, lead to an expansion of the ship building and repairs and maintenance industry, and generate around 400 direct and indirect ongoing jobs during its operation.

·        The 103m ship lift will be capable of servicing large vessels from industries including offshore petroleum, fishing, pearling, Defence and Border Force.

·        Darwin is the only functional deep water harbour in Northern Australia, further emphasising the critical need for this infrastructure. Without this facility large vessels travel 10 days to be serviced in another town.

Quotes from the NT Treasurer Nicole Manison: 

"There will be a ship lift built in Darwin and the CLP need to stop looking for ways to talk it down and simply focus on fighting for Federal Government support.

"There are no ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, just support the ship lift and fight for it.

"The Territory Labor Government is investing in this project because it will be great for locals jobs and will grow the NT economy – the CLP’s only plan is to cut, slash and sell."

Media Contact - Hannah Farmer - 0428 497 154

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