Construction of the Ship Lift is on track to begin next year with the Design and Construction Expression of Interest (EOI) now completed, with five applicants progressing to the next stage.
The NT Government received 20 EOI’s during the construction tender process. The shortlisted parties are:
- Clough Projects Australia Pty Ltd;
- McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd;
- Sitzler Pty Ltd;
- Territoria Civil; and
- Watpac Construction Pty Ltd.
Located at East Arm the ship lift will bring $260 million into the NT economy every year and create more than 100 jobs during construction and around 400 jobs ongoing.
The project has been funded by a $300 million concessional loan from the North Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) and $100 million from the Northern Territory Government.
The 103m ship lift will be capable of servicing large vessels from industries including offshore petroleum, fishing, pearling, Defence and Border Force – being used to lift vessels out of the water so they can be serviced, repaired or stored, including for safety during cyclones.
The facility is expected to be operational by 2024.
Quotes from Nicole Manison – NT Minister for Mining and Industry, and Minister for Defence Industries
“The Darwin Ship Lift will be built in Darwin and will create hundreds of jobs.”
"The Territory is still the safest place in Australia, this means we can have the strongest comeback in Australia. The Ship Lift will help the Territory become Australia’s comeback capital.
“This is a major national project, positioning the Territory’s marine industry on the national and international map.”
Media Contact Alex Cannon - 0402 543 163